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kid business ideas delivered to your inbox.

What Kids Say?

“I love that I get to grow my passion … to become more self-sufficient in life, but to also see a need, and fill a need”

Madeleine, 10

Young Entrepreneur

“I have had to get over my fear of talking in front of a camera and in front of people”

Johanna, 8

Young Entrepreneur

“We’ve made over $2100 in sales, and it’s been really fun to connect with other young entrepreneurs.”

Tate, 13 and Tanner, 11

Young Entrepreneurs

What Kids & Parents Say?

What Parents Say?

“The greatest benefit I’ve seen on a practical level is that it’s caused our kids to up their game in interpersonal skills, as well as learn time management.”

Lance Manywounds

Proud Parent

“My kids have made tons of money and they are really so much more confident...”

Stacey Barrett

Parent of 4 kids

“It’s been an amazing journey with our kids so far... and has a really special effect on the culture of our family.”

Chris Smith

Entrepreneur, Founder of Family Brand

Give your kids
an advantage

Turn your kids (ages 5-17) on to real-world mentorship & marketplace, in a program where they will develop the tools to use their own smarts and forge a path to becoming young entrepreneurs.

Case Study


It was impossible to get the kids off their phones. We were looking for ways to motivate kids at home...
“It’s been an incredible experience. They’ve done a couple of different businesses, and have made a couple of hundred dollars each time they have done it. I can truly ...

Jean & Mindy


Our Entrepreneurs

Shop Products

Unique products created and designed by kids all around the world delivered globally

Kids are Creative

Given the chance they will blow you away. And we know that when a young person sells something they made with their own hands to someone else who loves it, they have confidence for life.

How It Works



(3 hours)



(4 hours)


Launch &

(5 hours)



(turn off or keep

What Kids Say

Abbey, 13

I made yarn Pom Poms and sold them. It did pretty well and I made $250. Always make sure to sell something that you love to make because I liked doing it, and I could get others to help me just for fun. My dad says it was cheap labor.

Young Entrepreneur

KJ, 13

I am really enjoying The My First Sale video lessons. They are short, but full of good lessons. My favorite 3 things I’ve learned so far are: – how to price my product – how to create my pitch – How to confidently give my pitch to a customer. I am really excited to launch.

Young Entrepreneur

Madeline R, 10

My favorite video was pricing and learning how to bundle my products together so that people can buy more than one at a time. People can get a discount that way and I can sell more at one time bundled together.

Young Entrepreneur

Amara B.

I loved running my own business, and my favorite part was creating everything for the business fair. And I loved having My First Sale.

Young Entrepreneur

What Parents Say

Jean & Mindy Klinkhammer

It’s been an incredible experience. They’ve done a couple of different businesses, and have made a couple of hundred dollars each time they have done it.  I can truly say that it’s one of the best learning experiences they’ve had. One of the things that our kids have learned the most, is how to skillfully interact with adults, make a sale, look people in the eye, gain some confidence when describing a product and being passionate about something, as well as the way to solve the problem and especially gaining the confidence. Especially our daughter who was a little shyer and it really has helped her to develop as a young adult.


Casey Furtado

Best $77 ever invested! Wow. We really enjoyed discussing the reasons we want to make money, figuring out the purpose of why we’re doing this, and figuring out how we are going to beat competitors (better, faster, cheaper).


Coley Arnold

I’m so excited to share about My First Sale. As an entrepreneur myself, I understand the value and importance of learning these skills at a young age.  At My First Sale, they really do set you up for success: my kids have loved the program, and learned so much, all while making money which is so fun. We had fun brainstorming ideas, doing things together as a family, and the skills that they learn are really invaluable. I really can’t wait for My First Sale, and I hope you love it too.


What Kids & Parents Say...

What They'll Learn

  • Find Your Passion
  • Decide what to sell
  • What is Profit
  • Pricing
  • Making a Product
  • Creating Your Store
  • Customer Service
  • Marketing Your Business


Unique products created and designed by our kids.

Arts and Crafts

Beauty & Health

Everything Else


Pets & Supplies




Kids' Updates

We got to meet
Mr. Scott!!!

by Madeleine & Johanna

So many orders!

by Stella's Earrings

Having a business
isn't as easy as it looks

by The Giving Plate

Price for one visit
and one dog

by When Doody Calls

Get Your
Wheels Spinning


Here is a list of 150+ business ideas for students to try out. Copy them, combine them, and innovate off of them. You can do anything, except nothing. Remember, you do NOT need to know your business in order to sign up. We will help you find the perfect business idea during our training course.
You can also have several store pages under one account, so you can try anything

Our Partners

Free Video Trainings

2 Rock Star training videos from

Joe Polish & Dave Asprey

Free Video Trainings

2 Rock Star training
videos from

Joe Polish &
Dave Asprey

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